Episode Transcript: #1018 - Alonzo Bodden
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And less gay
Boom ladies and gentlemen
Bowden how are you man? What is up Joe? I'm great somber times. These are the weirdest fucking times ever RIP to Tom Petty
I guess we have to say that too. Yeah, and then obviously
It's a ridiculous time and and like everyone's been saying
You know what I mean? It's like here we go again another go again another mass shooting and
That the I think the most disturbing graphic to me was the scorecard like they showed like this guy got
58 and then the guy in Orlando got what 40
Something and so because it's like okay. You just encouraged the next psycho right to try to set the record
You know what I mean like it like it shouldn't be
There has to be another way to say it without giving publicity to he killed more than anybody else
Yeah, you know well for everybody's listening in the future
This is taking place. We're recording this on Tuesday. The massacre happened in Las Vegas on
Sunday, so it's just a couple days ago and we were just going over all the details of it
I'm reading online here killed 59 people injured
527 which is just fucking completely insane
I mean
527 people shot is that right or is that like does that count people trampled?
I think it includes people trampled and injured otherwise, but there were a hell of a lot of people shot