#1042 - Krystyna Hutchinson & Corinne Fisher cover

Episode Transcript: #1042 - Krystyna Hutchinson & Corinne Fisher

NaN minutesEpisode #1042
Krystyna HutchinsonCorinne Fisher

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Current time: 00:00:00

Yeah, great. We got to


I love that you could pick the front of the back


That's an interesting way to start the oh wait you can start it


We're talking about these toilets that have built it. It's not really a bidet. It's more like a butt cleaner, right?


But days are kind of crude you ever use a bidet is a day not a butt cleaner


I thought that's what it was it is but it's not good at it. No, I mean this was


Glamons but clean the stream of water was the perfect size and pressure


And I have had I mean if you want to get into it right, you know right off the bat


I've had an anal orgasm before with a vibrator and only once in my life and that thing


I was like if I stayed on here like 10 more minutes. It could get you I think it could a lot of gals out there taking notes


I was like, I think I just use like diaper wipes in my butt


Yeah, that's good too, but I like think about it like you know like if my beard if I had like shit


Smirred all over my beard would that be cool with a diaper wipe and just going out in public?


I don't think so. Well, I mean so there are ideas to power wash it. Yeah


My face though, I'd scrub it


Full shower full showers way to go put my head in a tub of water


This they're very smart with the bidet and the bidet never caught on here in America. They just went with paper


Which is just which gets caught in your butt and it gets caught if if your girl with not a neatly tucked vagina like most women


It's got in there. Yeah little pieces break off. Well, that's soft


Yeah, that's why I use Scott brand toilet paper instead of charm and everyone thinks I'm being cheap

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