Episode Transcript: #105 - Bryan Callen (Part 2)
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stupid little fucking tube of paper that sucks in dangerous chemicals.
And you're telling me that I should be worried about the end of the world?
Your end of the world is happening right now.
I'm watching it.
You're inhaling.
You're addicted to a fucking little stick.
So true.
Yeah, your end of the world is already here, stupid.
God damn.
The world is not necessarily predetermined.
Who knows how this is all going to turn out?
That's part of the fun of the movie.
That's part of the fun of the theatrical production that is your life.
It's true.
If we knew everything that was going to take place, it would be so boring.
If you knew that you were now in heaven and you get to bang some chick anytime you want
for the rest of your life and you get to eat all the food you wanted for the rest of your life,
you think that it would be awesome.
But it's not.
Not without risk.