Episode Transcript: #1050 - Dr. Shawn Baker
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And we're live all right Sean welcome aboard man. Thank you. Thanks for doing this appreciate it
Thanks for having me Joe you are one of those guys that
Came up so many times on Twitter. I had to reach out to you so many people were like have you checked out what this guy's doing
He's eating nothing but meat and he's a doctor. He's super healthy
I was like, okay, let me check out what this guy's doing and then I saw you and I was like
He's serious about this and I was like, okay, this isn't a gimmick. You're actually an educated guy and
You you're pursuing this carnivore diet
Yeah, I mean, it's you know if you would ask pull this thing up close to you if you could there you go
If you would have asked me two years ago, I would have said that's fucking crazy
I mean, I mean, that's what I would have said, you know, if you'd asked me even five years ago
I'd say I doesn't really matter that much just train your ass off because I'd been an athlete just training my whole life
You know, I didn't really until I got in my mid 40s and all of a sudden I was like
Crap training ain't working. I'm just getting fat. I'm getting you know, high blood pressure, you know, probably pre-diabetic
And then I you know, I went down this
You know this dietary journey where I went from, you know doing the low-fat
Low calorie fish and vegetables almost vegetarian training three days three times a day
Just about trying to try to get lean and then I went down to you know, that I was like man, this sucks
I'm miserable. I can't can't can't maintain this, you know, then I went on the paleo diet
Started looks like man bacon looks pretty good. And then I went and I started reading some more than I went on to
You know low carb high fat and then I did ketogenic for about two three years