Episode Transcript: #1055 - Bret Weinstein
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Boom and we're live how are you doing all right? Oh a lot of stuff is going on a lot of stuff
A lot of since your settlement Jamie and I were hoping that you would come in with one of those Paul wall grills like diamonds on it
And maybe some furs. Yeah, I'm in a Cadillac
Unfortunately, it's enough money to make a difference, but it's not enough money to
To no longer have to think about such things
So yeah, you can temporarily ball though if you were irresponsible and you didn't have a family if I didn't have a family
You get crazy for a couple months. Yeah now as it happens it gives us a room to think about how to replace our incomes
We have about two years at our current rate of of burning to keep the family
Yeah, for people just so this is a standalone podcast so people can kind of what you need to do if you're really interested in this
Really interested is Google Brett Weinstein and you will get the full story
From beginning to end with evergreen state college where I'll just give you the short version of it
There was a bunch of what you would
Kindly call social active people
social justice warriors people who
There's there's a movement going on in this country and it's very aggressive and one of the things that they wanted to do is they
Wanted to have a day where?
All white people stayed home you thought that was racist. They thought you were racist for saying that was racist and
They decided to
Literally take over the college for a short period of time