Episode Transcript: #1121 - Michael Pollan
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That quickly? Two? One? Boom, and we're live. Mr. Pollan, how are you?
Hey, good. Good to be here.
There you go. Okay.
What's happening, man? How are you?
Good. Good to be in LA.
Good to have you here. I've been a fan of your work for a long time, man, and I got really
excited when I found out that you were writing a book on psychedelics. And I'm just, I think
it's an amazing subject, and I'm glad someone who's respected like yourself is getting it.
It's a crackpot subject, right? It's one of those subjects where you're like, oh no, Michael
Pollan found drugs. Like, what's he doing? He's having a crisis. He's out there doing
It is a bit of a departure. I think that there are people who are expecting another book
on food or agriculture, and we're a little surprised. But so far, people have been following
me, you know, who cared about food and ag, and there's more overlap than I ever would
have guessed.
You caught the perfect wave. I think your book is coming out right when John Hopkins'
Research Center is starting to put out these studies on it. People are starting to recognize
that MDMA has amazing results for post-traumatic stress disorder from veterans, and marijuana
is becoming legal in more and more states. It's like you're catching this wave.
Yeah, and I didn't know that. You know, you never know where the culture's going to be,