Episode Transcript: #1130 - Adam Frank
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five four three two one boom boom Adam what's up man how you doing it's good to
be here today it's good to be here too with you and to talk whoa knock it shit
over can't be trusted your book alien worlds yeah and the fate of the earth
yeah all about it that's deep shit man just the just the title alone you like
whoa I love aliens everybody loves aliens everybody does but what are your
thoughts on actual aliens and whether or not they've ever visited here yeah it's
interesting because you know sort of two things so first of all we should tell
everybody you have a background in science I do I'm an astrophysicist at the
University of Rochester I run a research group that studies like stars and
planets so you're not a crazy person I brought on here no no no I'm a card
carrying scientists I got my card and everything so you know I've been doing
research on you know astronomy astrophysics for a long time but I also
do all this popular writing like for NPR in New York Times and the Genesis of
this book came a because I love science fiction I've been reading science
fiction since I was a kid but also I do a lot of work on climate change and so I
deal with a lot of climate change denial and what I realized was that like
there's this way we talk about it that is like completely forgets about the fact
that like we're probably not the first you know and that led me to a whole bunch
of research that eventually led to this book you know including one paper that
we did that showed that the odds that were the only time it's ever happened