#1137 - Duncan Trussell cover

Episode Transcript: #1137 - Duncan Trussell

NaN minutesEpisode #1137
Duncan Trussell

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Current time: 00:00:00

I'm teaching Duncan the ways of Windows laptop fucking love it max keyboards can go fuck themselves


Those are terrible keyboards. They're not designed for comfort and writing this whole idea of get get it thinner man


Get it thinner and thinner get it so it's a piece of paper and it magically unfolds and expands the right time


Yeah, it's this is fucking this is not too thick. Yeah, how come they can do it?


Why come you guys can't do it? Why how can we only offer one shitty ass fucking keyboard?


Find out if you're MacBook qualified for Apple's keyboard repair program. I don't want you to repair the same shitty keyboard


I want you to make a real keyboard where you you have like it's got like a little bit of a U shape to it


Where your finger that goes into the center. What is that called?


How do they describe that and the keys have like a little a little bit of a dip to them and then in the middle


You feel where they are. Yeah dimple perhaps you feel where they are


They have travel so your fingers know what's going on you get tactile feedback more tactile feedback than this little clickity-click thing


Which might as well be you might as well be doing it on a iPad


You know you have an iPad keyboard


Yeah, and it kind of works, but it kind of doesn't yeah, because your fingers are all feeling the same thing every time sure


Individual buttons that give you individual feedback so you don't have to think about what's happening


You can just think about the words it feels like this they hired an alien at Apple that forgot that humans like to push buttons


We like it it feels good. It feels good. They're they're ignoring like a basic human


Drain which is like have you seen those dumb cubes nervous people get they've got like buttons and shit


It's it was the same thing as this thing


It's like gives you this tactile little thing where you take all that extra energy and you put it in your in your stress ball

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