Episode Transcript: #1138 - Ted Nugent
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Morgan yeah masters are out there. I use one out three two one boom and we're live
We're just talking about target panic ladies and gentlemen most people don't know about all that. It's like
Rectile dysfunction for a tree. It's panic right freak that it because you want that arrow to go so bad
By the way, thanks for having me on my pleasure. I understand from all the input
I get from all my intelligent friends that you deserve me. Oh, so I'm excited
Well your your assistant reached out and said my people reach out. Yeah, she said I think you'll have more in common with Ted
Then you realize yeah, that was her that was her pitch truth logic common sense spirit physics of
The American dream perhaps controversial and misunderstood people. Yes boy. We're surrounded. Oh, maybe both of us cluster fuck ring
Any bells? Yes indeed. So yeah, so target panic I got lucky and that I got hooked up with John Dudley early before I
Developed target panic. He's the master and he explained to me
Sequences yeah shot sequences. Yeah, and let's let's make this available
universally to all of our podcast friends out there, okay in life
the cluster fuck to
Omniscience is what we aspire to yes maximum level of awareness on all fronts
I'll care if you're a welder a podcaster a guitar player or a butcher, right?
maximum efficiency
Being the best that you can be
clear mind clear conscience true north compass in
the world of archery
Because it does consume you and here I am 70 years clean and sober because I'm currently and forever