Episode Transcript: #1151 - Sean Carroll
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Wait a minute we're going live
Boom and we're live mr. Carol. How are you sir? Very good be back very good to have you back
So you have a podcast now I do I've joined the ranks you inspired me well you it's important
We need people like you out there
You are you have like what seven episodes so far seven episodes up a few more in the can I'm gonna try to dribble them out once a week
The first six months or so see how it goes you enjoying the process
I am Minescape by the way is the name for those out there in podcast line. Yeah, I'm loving it
You have the real the thing that tilted me over toward doing it because like look it's I have a day job, right?
I can't spend too much time doing this stuff
But what I realized it was an excuse a license to talk to people who are not just physicists, right?
Because like I have intellectual interests that go way beyond just what I do for a living and in academia
You're not allowed to take seriously anything other than your discipline your job, right?
I'm allowed to be talking about physics, but nothing else
But so now I can talk to historians and economists and philosophers and psychologists and it's great
Well, you could have just gone to Evergreen State and then you could talk about anything
Teaching a professor you could just if you're a professor you could teach them dance
We have to break out of the system. We have to do it ourselves. Yeah, man
I'm gonna break out of that system. So your podcast you decided that this would be a great venue for you to just
Expand on subjects and just get into anything that you'd like. Well, you know, I I have opinions about things