Episode Transcript: #1154 - Doug Duren & Bryan Richards
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5, 4, 3, 2, 1, yee-haw and we're live.
My good friend Doug Durin.
Hello, Douglas.
Hello, Joe Rogan.
Good to see you as a whole, man.
It is good to be here.
And Brian Richards, your friend, a wildlife biologist.
And well, we're going to talk about a bunch of things, but one of the things that I wanted
to talk about is this scary disease that, well, when Ted Nugent was on the podcast, he downplayed
the consequences and effects of something called CWD or chronic wasting disease, which
has made it onto your farm.
And you live in Wisconsin and you have this beautiful place that we visited when we did
the Media or Television show.
And this is a new thing, that this chronic wasting disease, which just decimates the
deer's health and kills them.
And the suspicion is that some of this at least comes from these high-fence operations
where people grow deer and treat them like, instead of like a wild animal, they treat
them like a domesticated animal and have them all feeding off of the same pile of food and
they share this disease.
Is this all correct?