Episode Transcript: #1163 - Banachek
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Here we go.
Four, three, two, one. Boom.
And now we're live. How are you, sir? I am wonderful. We had wonderful chat
off-stage. Off-microphone. Yeah, you probably would love to have had
that on here, but I just couldn't do it. No, no, I wouldn't. I would never want to do that to you.
Yeah, no idea. Exactly. And I wouldn't want to do that to...yeah. Yeah.
So listen, man, it's great to see you again. It's good to see you again in a while. Yeah.
We ran into each other once in Vegas at a bar. Mandalay Bay. Mandalay Bay.
So random. I, I, I candy. And I turn around...is that what it's called? Yeah, I turn around
and you turn around and we made eye contact and I candy. What how long ago
was that? That was a long time ago. Still. Yeah, it had to be about probably five years ago.
Four years ago now, right? I know we talked about doing a podcast back then even. Yeah.
I'm glad we finally got together and did it. Yeah, me too. This is going to be fun. You did that TV show that I did
a long time ago. Joe Rogan questions everything and you
blew me away. You and me and Duncan
and you showed us all the tricks that
people you, well you didn't, you showed us that they were tricks
but you didn't show us how to do the tricks. I broke one thing down for you but that was
about it. It was a psychological thing. Because I use that thing, right? It's, it's better to know
that you can be fooled rather than tell you how you can be fooled. And we'll, we'll