Episode Transcript: #1167 - Larry Sharpe
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Ready five four three two one Larry Sharp how are you sir I am doing great
thanks for having me before we get started I like you oh that's good I
like you a lot I like winning already man I'm just telling you right now up
front I've been listening to a lot of you interviews watching a lot of your
interviews you make sense you it's almost like you know you can't win so
talking so logically it's you might win the yeah the hope is the people who
actually have given up who think it's so stupid they don't bother voting right
so the hope is I say something that makes sense and they go oh maybe I should
vote oh my god maybe I should vote if those people vote you win I win yeah
there's an untapped resource mm-hmm of unmotivated people who are too far but
how do we fix that is it is it a matter of getting people I believe firmly that
if we could get people to register and vote online especially with their phones
it changes the world yes I really really really believe that and I think that
this is also a concern of the people that are in the Democratic Party and the
Republican Party and I don't think they want that 100% look they are a lot they're
relying on voter apathy they were also relying on people who are committed to
their parties and who are politically active yes which is not the majority of
the people it's the establishment right I mean look you asked how we fix this
Bernie and Trump actually taught us this in 2016 they taught us two things
number one if you can get people to an event you can get them to the polling