Episode Transcript: #1192 - Tony Hinchcliffe
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Powerful young Tony and Cliff. Hello. I'm smelling this weed in 12 hours. I'll be free
I'm excited for you, dude. I didn't do shit for sober October. Did you stay drunk? I didn't stay drunk
I just had a drink or two pretty much every night
Would you ever consider doing something like sober October?
I mean like if you know if I was a part of it and like I got all that promotional push that everybody's giving themselves
Hell yeah for the business point
That's the only reason I would do it. I have no reason I'm in I'm in you know
I'm in perfect shape feel good about life every day is good
You know I've been cutting back on things naturally like I'm done with my like college years of you know
Getting wasted at the store and things like that like it's like well. You're also not smoking cigarettes anymore, right?
I'm off cigarettes which helps a lot by the way
You know I got to say for anybody out there the drinks and smokes the to correlate you quit one
It's gonna help with the other big time
I mean I'm just saying like cutting back on smoking because the two go so good together
Yeah, you were finding that those pens weren't really helping you that much, huh? The nicotine pen. Oh, yeah
No, I love them. Yeah, they're there did it help you quit. Yeah, you were still you were saying that it's not the same
It's not the same
I mean when you're when you love cigarettes and both of my parents smoked
Not my mom quit when she got pregnant with me and then started again like a year later
And she would smoke like in the little you know the little house that I grew up in and it was just always like my whole