#120 - Duncan Trussell cover

Episode Transcript: #120 - Duncan Trussell

NaN minutesEpisode #120
Duncan Trussell

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and we're back from the depths from a very controversial podcast yesterday brian reichel


yeah very controversial a lot of people were upset that i uh cut yawn off a bunch of times


well you know i love yawn but yawn is the king of the ear beatings and i was just trying to


keep everything moving in retrospect um having him on the podcast is a good idea because people


be introduced to his work because he's got a lot of interesting research that he's done


but uh the the best way to do yawn's podcast is to do his podcast you know to do ours we try to make


it entertaining with his i don't have a worry about it being entertaining i can just be myself


and just kick back and relax but when it's mine i feel a certain responsibility and i love yawn


but i'll talk to him on the phone and he gives me fucking ferocious ear beatings for he called me


up the other day for 20 minutes talking to me about gordon wasson and how gordon wasson is in the cia


and he was in the cfr and you know and he is responsible for the whole mushroom movement and


how much of it is filled with disinformation and all these elites know about this and see he hits me


with this which is you know it's kind of interesting information it's definitely interesting information


but it's the way this information is distributed he's the reason why he's such a good researcher


is because he's a kind of an obsessed guy he gets nutty about shit and it's the right way to be if


you're going to be looking up documents all day because you or i would fucking add out of it and we


would just be playing video games an hour later we would totally give up this fucking guy has not


having a tv for years yeah you know and he's been living up in the woods he lives up in a cabin i mean


he's the real deal you know he's a fascinating cat but for an interview for a guy i tried to get him


to just hang out with us and he wanted to do a lecture you know he wanted to like go over all

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