#1222 - Michael Shermer cover

Episode Transcript: #1222 - Michael Shermer

NaN minutesEpisode #1222
Michael Shermer

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Current time: 00:00:00

And we're live hello Michael Sherman hello Joe Rogan I'm doing well thank you good to see with your pile of your writing


Look at you got there. Yeah, well moral arc


Heavens on earth. Look at you. It's a skeptic magazine. That's the latest issue. Why is there something rather than nothing?


We like to tackle the little questions. That's a deep one. You've dealt with this on the show. Yeah, too much


It's a that's one that just you know when you're in traffic, you know, what is this?


You have someone like Neil or


Sean Carol or Lawrence Krauss talking about this. It's like whoa. Yeah, I'm not a physicist. I'm a social scientist


So for me I come at it like what do you mean by this word nothing because most of us have this idea what I mean?


Oh, no in physics. It means this other thing like okay


Yeah, well, I think our limited understanding of what they're talking about


When I see those guys writing down on legal papers with all that scritchety scratchety crazy-looking


Right fake alien language and mathematics like thank God you guys are out there


Well, I opened heavens on earth with imagine yourself dead


You know most people go well, you know, I see myself in the casket and my friends and family are around and hopefully they're morning


No, you wouldn't see anything of course you're dead


I mean to imagine anything you have to be conscious and alive so you can't even picture being dead


So you can't picture not existing and it would be the same thing imagine. There's no universe. Yeah, okay. I see blackness


No, there's no blackness. I mean nothing would literally be not just no light but no no perception of darkness


Nothing not even nothing. I was going through Instagram the other day and there was this one person who was


talking about the purpose of life and when you die what's going to happen and

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