Episode Transcript: #1225 - Theo Von
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well you know alcoholics anonymous was created by a guy who's in the LSD yeah
Bill W a real baller Jamie I want to show you through your sweater and it's not
a bad sweater it's what shirt you're wearing it's very cool but this is a
this is a symptom of everything is wrong it's good are we on yet yeah we're on
it's got fake short sleeves it's got fake short sleeves over long sleeves so
the short sleeves are sewed in not so that's not so it's not attached how does
it work then this the short sleeves over top it comes apart but this sleeve part
there's not attached at all it's separate so it's two pieces yeah I didn't know
that when I bought it either but when you pull the sleeve up what happens oh it
goes all the way over the top oh I see like a separate hood so do you wear the
two of them together or they I just sewed on I just bought it there's a
whole rocky thing that this company did it a whole bunch of pieces and I was
like oh that's kind of cool so um Sylvester Stallone is slated to come on
the podcast you will wear that correct when he's here please okay all right so
is that but that the upper shirt is just laid over the tops shorts long sleeve
shirt so you could wear one without the other like you could wear the short sleeve
one oh okay it's just two sweatshirts you know but it's a it's the training
montage oh it comes it comes as a yeah yeah is it heavy or is it light it is
not light at all I'm starting to sweat right now I'm gonna shut the store but
that'll make you stronger if you got a heavy shirt I think that's the idea so