Episode Transcript: #124 - Michael Schiavello (Part 2)
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still sexual because of society because of that's why women think of women as being sexual it's like
women will make out with women and party with women and part of it is because they think that
guys like it but also part of it is because in our society it has been deemed that women are more
sexual they're more sex objects they use them to sell watches and cars and shit like that it's like
it's more natural and accepted so i think a gay guy would have way less problems fucking a straight
girl than a straight guy would have fucking a gay guy you know what i mean okay so if you said to a
gay guy fuck a girl he'd probably do it quicker than a hetero guy would fuck another guy in the ass
even though he'd fuck his girl in the ass unless the hetero guy was in prison
and then it's a whole different ball game because those guys will say i'm not gay
but just need to put my cock in something yeah that's a that's a strange thing isn't it how much
humans adapt they adapt so much that straight people become gay while they're in jail dude if
i was in jail i'd become the best masturbator on the planet i'll fucking get artwork man i saw
a shank that someone made out of toilet paper what they don't know exactly how the dude did this
but he somehow or another created a shank um and used something to harden the toilet paper like a
paper mesho shank dude it was the weirdest thing ever i mean just you think about human ingenuity and
one of the things about prison is these guys are forced to adapt and survive and you know and kind of
use their ingenuity use their creativity and create things and no one that's why they develop tattoo
needles with you know out of yeah take pens and they take the ink and they they'll burn things and
use the the the melt them down yeah yeah they'll like make ink they make their own ink out of burning
plastic and burning paper and then they figure out how to make some sort of a machine with a battery and