Episode Transcript: #1242 - Tim Pool
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321. Hello, Tim. How's it going? Thanks for finally being here. Yeah. Long story, right?
Oh, yeah. I definitely drank too much coffee before we get here. So if I appear up here,
like cracked out, I swear to God, I'm not in pills. But glad to hear it. But so we had a nice
conversation on the phone about deplatforming and social media. And what was very obvious to me
in talking to you was that you're way more schooled on this than I am. So that's why I wanted
to have this conversation with you. Right on. Yeah. Part of what was like, I've re-listened to my
podcast with Jack. And you had a good criticism of it. I agree with a lot of what you said. First
of all, I agree that it was kind of boring. Yeah. And it was, I think in many, for many reasons,
it was my fault. I don't think I prepared enough for it. And I also don't think I understood the
magnitude of how other people felt about deplatforming on Twitter and in all social media, YouTube,
and all these different things. And what the ramifications are and how much this means to
people to have very clear and obvious, obvious free speech outside of very egregious examples of
like threats and doxing and things like that, which I think we can all agree, right? I think this
problem might be one of the worst problems we're facing right now politically. Yes. You know,
the Twitter is where public discourse is happening. It's where journalists are. And this is a problem
sourcing a lot of their stories. Yes. So if you have somebody who's completely removed from public
discourse, that's exile. I can imagine why some people kind of lose their minds when that happens.
And I think going into that conversation with him, well, that's what I wanted it to be. That's why
I don't really interview people. I kind of have conversations with them. Occasionally, we have
disagreements and we talk about things. But it's not, I don't have like a mandate. The only thing