#1246 - Pot Debate - Alex Berenson & Dr. Michael Hart
NaN minutesEpisode #1246
Alex Berenson is a former reporter for The New York Times and the author of several thriller novels and a book on corporate financial filings. His new book "Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence" is available now via Amazon. Dr. Michael Hart is the founder and medical director of Readytogo clinic, a medical cannabis clinic in London, Ontario, Canada.
Watch the full episode of #1246 - Pot Debate - Alex Berenson & Dr. Michael Hart.
Episode Timestamps
Dr. Mike Hart and Alex Berenson: Differing Perspectives on Marijuana
- Dr. Mike Hart, a family doctor practicing cannabis medicine, and Alex Berenson, a former New York Times reporter, discuss the varying opinions and risks associated with marijuana.
- Berenson's book 'Tell Your Children' has been controversial within the cannabis advocacy community.
- Hart emphasizes the importance of understanding the risks and benefits of cannabis, highlighting cases of both positive and negative impacts.
The Medical Benefits and Risks of Marijuana Usage
- Discussion on the potential benefits of marijuana in treating conditions like glaucoma, AIDS, cancer, and autism.
- Highlighting the individual differences in how marijuana affects people and the need to identify vulnerable individuals.
- Exploration of the comparison between marijuana and alcohol in terms of risks, deaths, and societal impact.
Deception in Getting Cannabis Approval as Medicine
- Ballot initiatives deceived voters about cannabis as medicine.
- Doctors often provide authorizations without thorough examinations.
- Advocates saw medical use as a backdoor route to legalization.
THC and CBD for Medical Conditions
- THC and CBD have shown benefits in reducing seizures and symptoms.
- CBD was FDA-approved for reducing seizures in children.
- Anecdotal evidence supports the efficacy of THC and CBD in specific cases.
Debunking Cannabis as Medicine Myths
- High THC cannabis should not be considered a medicine without scientific evidence like randomized controlled trials.
- Studies have shown cannabis is not as effective as a pain reliever compared to other medications like opioids or NSAIDs.
- Self-reported studies on cannabis use for chronic pain have shown increased pain levels and opiate usage over time.
Balancing Facts and Perspectives on Cannabis Research
- Importance of balanced and truthful information dissemination in cannabis research.
- Age limit of 25 in Canada based on the association between cannabis and psychosis in adolescence.
- Challenges in interpreting research findings and the need for a comprehensive approach in discussing cannabis effects.
Debunking Misconceptions on Cannabis Use and Cognitive Outcomes
- Critique on selective quoting to support biased opinions
- Importance of considering the complete findings on cannabis and cognitive outcomes
- Discussion on the need for balanced approaches and avoiding confirmation bias
Correlation Between Cannabis Use and Schizophrenia Rates
- Exploring the correlation between cannabis use and schizophrenia onset
- Challenges in establishing causation from correlation
- Analysis of statistics on schizophrenia rates globally and in the US
Impact of Social Media on Mental Health and Suicide
- Discussion on the negative impact of social media on young people's mental health and well-being.
- Increase in serious mental distress, anxiety, depression, and suicide rates among young girls attributed to social media pressures.
- Correlation between social media use and rising levels of psychological distress noted by experts like Jonathan Haight.
Debating Effects of Legalized Cannabis and Social Media on Teens
- Comparison of marijuana use rates in relation to its legalization and impact on teen consumption.
- Debating the influence of social media on teens' perception of marijuana use and coolness factor.
- Addressing concerns about potential shift to harsher substances due to changing perceptions of marijuana.
Suicide Trends Among American Girls
- In 2015, suicide rates among American girls reached a 40-year high with 5 in 100,000 girls committing suicide.
- Factors like severe depression, anxiety, and social media influence could contribute to suicidal ideations.
- Cannabis use has increased in the United States and studies associate it with depression and suicidal thoughts.
Effects of Social Media and Alternative Treatments on Teen Mental Health
- Concerns over increased mental health disorders in adolescents due to social media use and possible impact of cannabis.
- Discussion on the use of CBD as an alternative treatment for depression and anxiety in teenagers.
- Importance of diet, exercise, and resilience-building in young individuals to develop coping mechanisms and combat mental health issues.
Levels of Psychosis and Schizophrenia
- Less than 1% of the population has schizophrenia, while 3 to 4% might be diagnosed with various forms of psychosis in their lifetime.
- Psychosis and schizophrenia can have genetic or environmental factors as triggers.
- Brain is resilient but can be affected by factors like tumors and dementia causing psychosis.
Misunderstandings around Anti-Psychotic Medication
- Anti-psychotic medication like Abilify is often misunderstood and not recognized as such, leading to stigma.
- Abilify is among the most prescribed medications and primarily used for conditions beyond anti-psychotic treatment.
- Misinformation and lack of awareness contribute to challenges in addressing mental health issues.
Conversation about Gambling and CBD/THC Products with Ari
- Discussion about not encouraging gambling behaviors, mentioning friend Ari who used to make a living from it
- Highlighting the dangers of high THC products for an 18-year-old as compared to a balanced CBD:THC product recommended by Dr. Hart
- Emphasizing the importance of presenting a balanced message about CBD, THC, and gambling
PTSD Transformation through CBD and THC, Effects of Tolerance and Medicinal Benefits
- Exploration of using CBD and THC to transform post-traumatic stress into post-traumatic growth
- Discussion on the impact of tolerance on cannabis use and the benefits of a tolerance break
- Highlighting the medicinal benefits of CBD and THC for reducing nightmares and PTSD symptoms, also mentioning the lack of tolerance at CB2 receptor
Reflective Paranoia with Edible Marijuana
- Edible marijuana induces reflective paranoia, prompting introspection.
- Impacts ego and behavior assessment in a positive way.
- Discussion on users reflecting on encounters and improving behaviors.
Genetic Predisposition and Cannabis Disorders
- Discussion on genetic markers like MAPK 14, AKT1, and CADM2.
- Efforts to identify individuals at risk of cannabis-related disorders.
- Suggested personalized medicine approach with CBD for predisposed individuals.
Debunking Misinterpretations on Marijuana by Isaac Campos and Others
- Isaac Campos highlighted the misconception around marijuana causing psychosis in Mexico during the early 1900s.
- Comparison between Mexico and India on blaming marijuana for certain issues.
- Discussion on the misinterpretation of evidence related to marijuana in different regions.
Cannabis Use, Psychosis, and Violence: Correlation and Misconceptions
- The potential risks associated with cannabis for individuals with psychosis are debated.
- Studies showing the association between cannabis use and violence in various populations.
- Controversy regarding the correlation between schizophrenia and cannabis use.
Jordan Peterson and Mental Health Diagnoses
- More people are understanding the need to reflect on emotions rather than rely solely on medication.
- Jordan Peterson's experience with SSRIs and his transition to a carnivore diet.
- Debating the controversial link between cannabis use and violent behavior.
Cannabis, Violence, and Schizophrenia
- Studies suggest a connection between cannabis use and violent behavior.
- Discussion on the potential causal link between marijuana and psychosis.
- Impact of recreational drugs on individuals predisposed to schizophrenia and violent tendencies.
Debate on Marijuana Legalization and Violent Crime
- Discussion on the correlation between marijuana legalization and violent crime
- Examination of data from states like Washington, Colorado, Alaska, and Oregon
- Critique of arguments claiming cannabis legalization reduces violent crime
Impact of Cannabis Use on Violent Crime
- Analysis of the potential increase in violent crime related to cannabis use
- Comparison of the murder rates in states with cannabis legalization
- Discussion on the possibility of psychosis-related effects on crime rates
Adolescent Cannabis Use
- Starting cannabis use at a young age can lead to severe consequences, as seen in cases where adolescents started as early as 11 and resorted to violence at 16.
- The transition from pre-adolescent to early teen cannabis use can escalate into high school and beyond, affecting individuals' long-term behavior.
- Biological variability, including genetic predispositions and other environmental factors, plays a significant role in how individuals react to marijuana use.
Psychedelic Attributes of Cannabis
- Cannabis is classified as a psychedelic substance that can induce hyper-awareness and hypersensitivity, potentially leading to paranoia and self-reflective behavior.
- Differentiating between high THC cannabis and CBD usage is crucial, especially for individuals susceptible to adverse effects such as anxiety and paranoia.
- Debates surrounding the legalization of cannabis highlight the importance of considering both the harmful and beneficial aspects of the drug for public health.
Cannabis and Ibogaine as Opioid Alternatives: Success Stories and Medical Studies
- Individuals have successfully replaced opioids with cannabis and ibogaine, supported by medical studies.
- Case study with Ed Clay who opened a clinic in Mexico after being cured of addiction through ibogaine.
- Ibogaine's potential to effectively treat addiction with low relapse rates highlighted.
Cannabis as a Safer Alternative in Clinical Perspective
- Discussion on substituting harmful substances with cannabis for clinical benefits.
- Comparative analysis with methadone clinics focusing on harm reduction approach.
- Exploring the effectiveness of cannabis not only for opioids but other medications as well.
Debunking the Gateway Drug Theory with Dr. Mike Hart
- Dr. Mike Hart discusses the effectiveness of cannabis, particularly the CBD component, in medical practice
- Arguments against cannabis being a gateway drug, citing studies and lack of evidence supporting the theory
- Concerns raised about the rise in teenage THC vaping and potential mental health consequences
Exploring Medical Benefits of CBD and THC in Various Conditions
- CBD and THC's potential benefits in prostate cancer treatment and concussions
- Evidence showing THC as an inhibitor of beta-amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's disease
- Discussions on the limitations of current medications for Alzheimer's and frantic push for unproven cannabis treatments