#1253 - Ioan Grillo
NaN minutesEpisode #1253
Ioan Grillo is journalist who has spent the last 18 years reporting on the drug war in Mexico. His books "El Narco: Inside Mexico's Criminal Insurgency" and "Gangster Warlords" are available now.
Watch the full episode of #1253 - Ioan Grillo.
Episode Timestamps
Yoan Grufford and the Journey to Mexico City
- Narrator discusses the challenges of having a unique name like Yoan Grufford
- Narrator explains his journey from England to Mexico City in search of journalism opportunities
- Narrator's initial fascination with Latin America and his transition to covering crime and drug-related issues
Diving into Narco Journalism: Unveiling Corruption in Mexico
- Narrator's accidental entry into covering narco journalism and drug trafficking issues
- The pervasive corruption in Mexico as narrated by the involvement of a corrupt policeman
- Rising risk and intensity in narco journalism as the drug war escalates in Mexico
Chapo Guzman's Impact on Innocent Lives
- Encounter with the mother in Monterey who faced armed intruders and lost her eldest son to them
- Reporter's experience at the morgue witnessing the aftermath of brutal atrocities
- Mother searching for her son among the decapitated bodies exemplifying the grim reality of drug cartel violence
Historical Roots and Solutions to Mexican Drug Trafficking
- Origins of drug trafficking dating back to cross-border trade post Harrison's Narcotics Tax Act in the U.S.
- Role of Chinese Mexicans in early trafficking to Chinese Americans
- Proposed solutions including drug policy reform, rehabilitation, and social work intervention
Life Behind the Murders: Insights from Criminals
- The complexity of interactions with criminals, from arranging interviews in prisons to understanding their world
- Risks involved in exposing criminals' identities and methods of ensuring protection
- Comparison of violence levels in Latin America and historical context
Mexico's Drug Violence Escalation & Political Shifts
- The escalation of violence in Mexico since 2008 and its root causes
- Shifts in political power and control over the drug trade in Mexico
- The use of brutal techniques like beheadings and the public terror tactics employed by drug cartels
Javier Cecilia - A Poet's Pain and Protest in Mexico
- Javier Cecilia, a poet and writer, took to the streets after his son's murder in Mexico, sparking a realization of innocent lives lost
- Current President, Andrés Manuel López Bordor, aims for peace and unity through a national police force, the National Guard
- Mexico continues to face high levels of violence, with over 33,000 deaths reported in the previous year
Journalistic Challenges and Dangers in Mexico
- Freelance journalists, including the speaker, face economic challenges in reporting on drug-related issues in Mexico
- Risks and dangers for journalists highlighted by stories of murdered colleagues like Javi in 2017
- Personal experiences include encounters with fake self-defense groups with heavy weaponry in Michoacan, 2014
Encounter with Warning - DA Guy and Threat of Violence
- Huero engaged in conversation with a group, including a man with a massive head, who warned against taking photos
- Threats were made by the group, mistaking Huero for a DA agent
- The situation escalated to the point where violence was implied, and Huero decided to leave to avoid confrontation
Narco Wars and Fragmentation - Impact of Cartel Disruption
- Discussion on the challenges faced by law enforcement in eradicating gangs and the violence associated with cartel conflicts
- The aftermath of capturing kingpins leading to power struggles within cartels
- Evidence of cartel fragmentation resulting in smaller, more violent groups controlling territories
Drug Smuggling Techniques and Border Security
- Discussion on drug smuggling techniques like hiding drugs inside metal containers and tires of trucks
- Overview of sophisticated trap car mechanisms for hiding drugs
- Information on low percentage of searched shipping containers at US border and corruption cases among border patrol officers
Root Causes of Drug Abuse and Violence
- Analysis of the reasons behind drug abuse including escape from pain and suffering, childhood abuse, and lack of healthy choices
- Discussion on the allure of illegal substances and comparison with legal markets like in Holland
- Exploring the impact of societal issues, systemic racism, and embedded poverty leading to crime and drug abuse
Battle of Azteca Gang Recruitment & Impact of Loving Parents
- Discussion on the Battle of Azteca gang, originating among US prisoners and spreading to Mexico
- Insight into the recruitment process focusing on hate and anger
- Importance of loving parents in deterring individuals from gang involvement
Transforming Medellin through Innovative Actions by Andres Guajardo
- Profile of Andres Guajardo, the mayor of Medellin, and his approach to tackling city issues
- Initiative to develop a conservatory in the poorest area to change perceptions and realities
- Positive outcomes observed like significant drop in murder rates post interventions
Gun Trafficking from the US to Mexico
- Discussion on the issue of guns being trafficked from the United States to Mexico illegally
- Mention of the Eric Holder 'Fast and Furious' scandal where guns sold in a sting were used to kill Americans and police officers
- Details about the methods used for smuggling guns into Mexico, including use of private sale loopholes
Concerns About Gun Show Loophole and 50 Caliber Weapons
- Concerns raised regarding the gun show loopholes and the ease of acquiring firearms
- Discussion on the use of 50 caliber weapons by cartels in Mexico and the potential dangers they pose
- Debate regarding the need for restrictions on certain firearms to prevent illegal activities and violence
Firearms and Self-Defense
- Discussion about owning and using firearms without being required to prove knowledge of safety procedures.
- Personal experiences with guns, including shooting guns in Serbia and Honduras.
- Debate on the effectiveness and necessity of guns for self-defense in different scenarios.
Guns and Personal Safety
- Reasons why people choose to have guns for self-defense and the potential risks involved.
- Comparisons between the effectiveness of guns, martial arts, and other security measures.
- Examples of real-life situations where guns were used successfully and the importance of training and preparedness.
Australian Guy Hit by Bullet: Story from the Battle Area
- An Australian man got hit in the neck by a bullet in the battle area.
- Witness saw the X-ray of the bullet embedded in his neck.
- Discussion about the extreme circumstances and lucky outcome.
Insight into Islamic ISIS Combat Techniques
- Detailed description of guerrilla warfare techniques used in battles.
- A police special force member shared close combat footage.
- Discussion on the evolution of combat tactics in different conflict zones.
Inside the Village with Evangelical Christian Family
- Explores the visit to a village with an evangelical Christian family
- Attends a three-hour evangelical service with the family
- Witnesses the intriguing mix of evangelical beliefs and involvement in criminal activities
El Chapo's Legal Battle in New York
- Details the legal proceedings of El Chapo's trial in New York
- Discuss the defense strategy of El Chapo's legal team
- Highlights the ethical concerns and high-profile witnesses involved
Terri Navellas and Chapo's Intriguing Connection
- - Terri Navellas, known for her role in La Reina del Sur, a TV series about drug traffickers
- - A message from Terri Navellas suggesting drug traffickers should 'traffic with love'
- - Connection between Terri Navellas, Chapo, and Sean Penn in attempt to make a movie or TV series based on Chapo's story
Meeting Chapo and the Rolling Stone Article
- - Sean Penn's involvement in arranging a meeting with Chapo
- - Disagreement between Sean Penn and Kate DeGasteo about the events
- - Sean Penn's article for Rolling Stone detailing his experience of the meeting with Chapo