Episode Transcript: #1254 - Dr. Phil
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Here we go in five four three two one
Is it hanging up on me we're live we're live dr. Phil we're live someone's calling you what's going on
Some of those people I was trying to find
Now they're saying oh shit
Yeah, let them worry um out of all the years you've been doing your show
And all the years you've been giving advice
How how did this catch me outside girl? How did this happen? Oh?
Yeah, all the different shows
Out of all the different shows you made a monster. I know I mean it's my moment of infamy
You know seriously this girl comes on with her mother and her mother actually brings her on of course and
She's the train wreck and we work with her and we send her to this ranch for like four months, right?
she goes for a long time and
Makes a complete turnaround does a really a great job. They say she's become a leader
She's working with all these girls doing a great job
and then she
graduates and I remember this last shot when we do this this piece at the ranch
She jumps up on this fence and is smiling and everything and waving and all
One night home with her mother one night and her mother's finding people that are trashing her the mother on on
These social media platforms her mother tracks them down backs into who they are gets their phone numbers calls them up
Yelling into the phone calling them names and stuff gets the daughter involved one night