Episode Transcript: #1269 - Bryan Callen
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5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Yes, and we're live.
Brian Callan, we are live on the internet.
In Kashmir right now, everybody.
How come you don't wear watches?
I was thinking, I was saying to Brennan,
you could rob my house and there's nothing you'd find of value.
Like there's not a fucking thing.
Still your car?
Oh, no.
But you wonder why you make money then?
Yeah, well, I was thinking about it.
You have a lot of money, right?
I do.
You could probably like not work for years.
Yeah, I have enough money.
But I never, I was thinking about that too.
I genuinely did some soul searching about this
because I watched how motivated Shab is.
He's so buttoned down about his stuff.