Episode Transcript: #1298 - Neal Brennan
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Let me sign my waiver. Sign the waiver before I do. We're live. Great. While you're signing that sound. Great. I'm glad that people are seeing me. Neil Brennan signing it. As witness, everyone will be a Notary, notary public. I wonder if they can, there's a software that can listen to the sound your pen is making and figure out the lines you're drawing. You know, they have technology now where when people are speaking in a room with a window.
They can get rid of the window noise?
No, they can tune into the vibrations of the window from the sound of your voice and pick up everything that's being said in the room.
I heard that there's a Netflix, because before, I mean Netflix doesn't give people ratings, but there's a way that there, you can get, they can gauge reflections off of some weird fucking technology.
And it's fairly accurate. Reflections off a window? Yes. I don't know. This is secondhand. Yeah. Like secondhand. Not, it's like, I believe it's sound waves.
Oh, wow. What are they monitoring? Jamie's got something. I have no idea. Jamie. We can buy this right now if you want. Jamie. Long range laser listening device.
The long range laser listening device, laser microscope is a highly sophisticated surveillance apparatus that utilizes an invisible infrared laser beam to eavesdrop on a target.
This is the most effective long range laser listening device in the world that allows the operator to conduct an undetectable surveillance operation on any targeted room.
From Tony Stark Industries.
With at least one window at an impressive distance of over 500 meters. That is actually very impressive.
That's far. That's far as shit with the laser beam. Fuck. And you can just buy that?
I was gonna say, that's commercially available and I wonder what is not commercially available. Oh, for sure. Right. It's out there.
Like you remember when there was that story about some weird sound weapon they think that the Cubans are using on Americans that were in Cuba?
There's probably a bunch of shit like that.
I was reading an article. They can listen. Like submarine have technology they can listen to basically like fish farting in the ocean if they wanted to. They can hear sounds that quiet.
They can hear anything. So literally a fish fart. They're like, what was that? Was that a sub? Nope. It was a fish.
Wow. Like what was the next sound? Yeah.
Good for us or something. Good for somebody. Good for us, I guess.
Yeah. The sound thing was funny because it was like people would get sick. Yeah. And they could. And then there was also they did it in China too.
They were like they at American civil like NG like non-government or like kind of work for the government tangentially or they worked at the embassy.