Episode Transcript: #1300 - Michael Malice
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Boom. Here we go. What's up, buddy? How are you? Good to see you.
Great. Good to be here. We were talking before the podcast about
people who get mad when I have you on, like, as if you're some sort of a monster.
If you're a mean person. I don't need a person.
We were just saying, you're a New York Jew. You're snarky. You say funny things.
But this idea that you're a Nazi or something, like, people have gotten so crazy.
I like that this is this icebreaker. Hey, welcome to my show. By the way,
why do people think you're a Nazi? Someone sent me, I don't read comments on Twitter,
but someone sent me something like you having this guy on today. And I'm like, that is so hilarious.
I go, this guy is, yeah, there's some shit you say I don't agree with. Sure.
You're very reasonable and very intelligent. Yeah, the last chapter of the book is me arguing
with the Nazi. Conversation, folks. It's not bad. It's not bad to talk to people.
Well, it's kind of for them a religious thing, right? If someone is a sinner,
you can't acknowledge them. They have to be outside of the fort.
That's a good way to look at it. That is what it is. You know, what's interesting, it's,
I know these people don't mean to do this. This is not their plan. But if you wanted to keep Donald
Trump in office, the way the people that oppose Donald Trump are behaving is the perfect way to
keep him in office. If you tell high schoolers, if you smoke, your parents are going to get upset
and the teacher is going to get upset, that's the biggest comm... So you got commotion, right?
So you tell these kids, hey, if you go to these websites and read these books,