Episode Transcript: #1329 - Brian Moses
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Boom! Brian Moses, you are one of the saviors of comedy. I want you to know this honestly truly
really because of Rose Battle. Rose Battle is like one of the last real like sanctuaries for
horrible comedy like nasty evil fucked up but hilarious comedy and the way you do it where
make everybody hug it out at the end and you know and you like set the ground rules no violence
this is just joke writing this is all this is just words don't hurt us when I first came back to
the comedy store was like how many years ago it was now it's like five years ago or something yeah
the exile was over and when I saw Rose Battle it was one of the things that made me go whoa this
place is different now this place is chain it's like it's evolved we brought like come like
some like what of a fight culture back to it you know what I mean yeah you know like where
if you have a problem you know we're in a place where all we use is words anyway so
duke it out that way yeah well not just that there's people that don't have problems with each
other and they just fuck each other up on that stage there's like people with like devastated
friendships yeah they ruin friendships but I mean but nobody's ever attacked each other so
that's amazing yeah because I've been there a couple times I stopped going it makes me feel bad
does it it's consensual everybody's involved I fucking I'm the commentator for the UFC yeah
and Rose Battle makes me feel bad that's the combat sport you don't like just stop and think
about how crazy that is that's nuts why how is that possible sometimes it's so mean sometimes
people say shit that's so mean you're like yikes oh I saw there was a joke recently by uh it was
Jimmy Carr and Megan Gailey and Jimmy was judging her and she was battling a puppet
that's how crazy this show gets so this girl's got like a half-hour comedy central she's she's