Episode Transcript: #1352 - Sean Carroll
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And here we go. Hello, Sean. Hey, John, how's it going? Thanks for being here again, man.
I really appreciate it. So over the weekend, I got into your book. Woo. Yes. Yes. It's
great. Thank you. I mean, I really appreciate someone like you who's trying to break down
quantum mechanics and quantum physics for someone like me. It's very hard to follow.
There was a lot of backing up and trying it again and backing up and trying it again
and like going over paragraphs and trying to figure out exactly what it means. But it's
really excellent and really perplexing at the same time. Well, thank you. And you know,
there are different styles when it comes to writing popular books. I think there should
be different styles. And my particular style is, look, it's not going to be a breezy page
turner. But if you read it carefully, like there's not prerequisites, you don't have to come
into it as an expert. What you have to come into it is someone who's willing to sit and think
about every paragraph and then hopefully you'll be rewarding and you'll truly understand what's
going on after doing that. Well, it is rewarding because it is fascinating. And the history of
quantum physics is also pretty fascinating because I've always wondered, like, how did anybody even
want to come up with this stuff? And the fact that it was so long ago, the beginnings of it
were in the 19th century? Well, 1900 is the typical literally that year, the turn of the
century when Max Planck first got the first hints of it. And then yeah, it was took another 27
years to put into final shape. Now, for regular people that don't have a background in physics,
this is like the whole idea behind it is so bizarre. It's like, why would anybody try to figure
out something that one of the things that you said that's really interesting is that you,