Episode Transcript: #1364 - Brian Redban
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Hello Brian. Hello Joe. What are you doing? Just hanging. Yeah um you're not sober are you?
This isn't sober October for you. Oh no. You're not doing it? No. You can get high. I'll watch.
Okay. Can I blow it on you? Yeah yeah yeah. I don't think that counts. There's a...
Oh this is a joint. This is fat. Oh really? Yeah that's all weed. That's Mike Tyson's weed.
Oh sweet. Yeah. Look at this. I got a torch. I can smoke a cigar with you. Oh sweet. That's legal.
We, Ari and I were thinking that when we started sober October we started smoking
cigars we were thinking maybe that will disqualify us and we can just quit. Yeah what does it...
like Kabucha has alcohol. Kabucha? Yeah. But it can't really get you drunk. You stay sober.
You would have to drink a case of it to even catch a bug. But if you scheduled a doctor's
appointment like a dentist's appointment they gave you some pills or something.
You get rid of...okay. Yeah like what if you get surgery? Like what if somebody got their
appendix taken out? Yeah you're allowed to do any kind of like medication or medicine or...
No you have to die. There's no real rules for that. I mean look it's not... the thing about
this contest that's really stupid is there's no consequences. Not even a friendly penalty of...
There's nothing open for someone. I could have a glass of wine right now. Nothing could happen.
Yeah. Oh no I lost. Yeah oh my god I lost. I'll tell you what though I've been getting a lot of
messages from people that are inspired and it makes me feel real good. I reached out to some dude
yesterday on Instagram because he lost something like 200 fucking pounds. You know I mean it's crazy.
That's the dude who had the scars all over because he got his the extra skin removed after he
lost all the weight. It's amazing. So over October you know sometimes you just have to have a thing