Episode Transcript: #1372 - Kevin Smith
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Headphones? Do I need them? I like them. I mean just to gauge my own voice. You don't need them.
We can not have them. No, no, no we don't need them. I like how you're mocking me with that marijuana.
Come on man. It's your sober October. Yes, I know man. It's my unsober lifetime.
When was the last time you were sober? How many days have you ever done it?
What a great question. Let me see. When was the last time?
There's somewhere I was on the road. I couldn't get my hands on weed. Probably when I was in London or something like that.
That's usually an overseas thing. Right. And I went like two days and you know.
It's like I did my time man. It felt like oh I get it and I remember what this was like.
But like why bother? You know post-heart attack. I feel like I'm living on borrowed time anyway.
So I'm like well I'm gonna spend that time as well as I possibly can. And generally in a THC drenched condition.
This is not a brag and I'm not like kid you should try this at home. But like I only am not ingesting when I sleep.
So like I wake. Really? All day. Yeah.
Is there anything? Don't say it like that. The way you're like all day. Like judgy.
I mean just because it's sober October. You'd be joining me right now. Yes I would.
But I'm always. If it was like smoke this member in November.
I'm always in awe of people who do go 24-7. I think really because I only do it because I thought you did.
I was trying to impress you. What? Am I out of your loan? I always had the I was under the impression you too.
I know you do a lot more and shit. Well let's talk about that real quick. I get to interview you for a minute.
Sure. Sure. I've been in here in jumps and spurts. Right. And in those jumps and spurts you have become like the most powerful fucking broadcaster on the planet.
Like crazy popular everywhere. And you can crack a smile. You know I'm right and shit. Well it's. Don't go hard on it. No it's weird. Why?