Episode Transcript: #1377 - Rick Baker
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Here we go in three two one
Rick Baker ladies and gentlemen, how are you sir? Hey, I'm great show everybody's been saying on my Instagram
I should do this podcast for ages. Well, I'm glad they listened or you listen rather
I've been a fan of yours forever man
I was a huge Star Wars fan when I was a kid and you inspired me when I was young. I really wanted to be a makeup artist
I wanted to do special effects and the kind of stuff that you do. Oh, I had no idea. Yeah, man
I think it was probably
Star Wars that kicked it off for me because I like many kids a lot of people today, you know
We're so removed with first VHS and then DVDs and laser discs and now streaming
It's so easy to watch movies, but when Star Wars came out
We would go see it over and over and over again
It was like a little contest between a lot of the kids that I went to school with I think I saw it
13 times while it was out in the movie theater, but I became
Fascinated I've always been fascinated with comic books
I always wanted to be a comic book illustrator and I always loved like
like those
Fantasy novels like creepy and eerie, you know those those graphic novels
but I really became fascinated with special effects and
Particularly makeup after your work. Well, you know, it's kind of the same thing for me
I mean, you know, I I grew up and I was born in 1950