Episode Transcript: #1380 - Pete Dominick
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Two, uh, uh.
Hello, Pete Dommick.
How are you, buddy?
Hey, Joe Verogio.
Good to see you, man.
Good to see you.
It's nice to be here.
It's nice to be in California.
It's nice to be sitting across from you.
It's nice to have you.
You're a free man now.
You've escaped yourself from the shackles of satellite radio.
The shackles of corporate media.
Yeah, man.
See, that's the thing about dedicating so much time to a company like that, they can
just get rid of you.
And then you don't have a connection to all those fans.
You have to reestablish a connection.
It's been an amazing experience in the last, what, four weeks since it happened to try
to, first of all, I watched my funeral play out publicly because they had a huge community