Episode Transcript: #1391 - Tulsi Gabbard & Jocko Willink
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All right, here we go. How did this get started? How did we decide to do this?
I was trying to think about that because it's something something you and I started interacting on.
It was somebody on Twitter.
I don't know exactly how it started, but I saw you reply to a tweet from somebody saying,
hey, great idea. Why doesn't Jaco and Tulsi go on the Rogan show?
And he's like, yeah.
Yeah, you're like, I'm in.
Yeah, I'm in.
But Jaco, he'll say that to anything.
You want to go to the moon? I'm in.
Moon's good.
I believe that.
But it escalated quickly from there because I didn't know how to get a hold of you.
And then next thing I know, you're texting me with Jaco like, so are you serious?
Are we doing this or what?
Well, it just seemed like such a good idea.