Episode Transcript: #1400 - Tony Hinchcliffe
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Three, two, one, boom.
Check out this new Richard Pryor plastic cell.
Come on, son.
Live on the sunset strip.
That was really the first thing that I ever
saw that maybe truly understand the power of stand-up comedy.
I was 13 years old, I think, maybe 14.
My parents took me to see it.
And we were in the audience.
I remember thinking, how is this guy so funny just talking?
How is this possible?
I was thinking all the movies that I'd seen that were really funny.
I don't remember what was out back then.
Maybe Stripes, which was a great movie that I loved.
So funny, so funny.
But this guy was way funnier.
And all he was doing was talking.
And I couldn't believe it.
I remember there was a moment in the movie where he was killing.