Episode Transcript: #1406 - Brian Redban
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Hello Brian. Hello Joe. Happy new year. Happy 2020. Happy 2020. That doesn't sound real.
2020 sounds like a fake number. Like we're in the year 2020. That's like a movie about the future.
Yeah. We've already gone past the Blade Runner date. You know. It was the Blade Runner date.
I think that was September or October of last year. You know what's interesting about the
estimations about the future. No one ever overestimates or underestimates. Everyone overestimates.
Right. Like Space 1999. Remember that show? Yep. That was a I'm older than you but when that show
was on TV people thought that in 1999 we'd be just fucking flying around through space all the time
and living out there. Yeah. Like Buck Rogers. Yeah. All those all those shows like so Blade
Runner was what year? This last year 2019. Wow. They missed that. Yeah. Because it's funny when
they show it in the movie it shows like the background looks like like flying cars and like
crazy you know billboards and everything. I wonder where technology would be if it wasn't for the
internet. Imagine if the internet was not possible but technology still advanced electronically
like the capability of you know showing higher resolution images and processing power and all
that stuff kept moving but they never figured out how to link it all up. Yeah. That's weird.
That's the scariest thing about the internet. It's almost like
they put like the future put ideas in people's heads and those people just started figuring out
a way to connect everybody and then connect all this crazy computing power and all this information
and you could translate it in real time and do it all around the world and what a better way
to get the technology to advance because if it wasn't for the internet how much where would we
be at realistically? But still be racist, would still be molesting people at work.