#1434 - Trevor Thompson cover

Episode Transcript: #1434 - Trevor Thompson

NaN minutesEpisode #1434
Trevor Thompson

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Current time: 00:00:00

Jamie three two one boom and we're live. What's up Trevor? How are you brother? Damn good? How are you man?


I'm good, man. You're a coffee snob


Coffee addict. Ah, what's the difference when you become a snob like when you go? Oh, I wouldn't drink at Starbucks


Hmm, maybe when you can tell the difference between all the kinds of coffee Ken. Oh, yeah, right if you get to all this is an Ethiopian


This is this I guess they're all Ethiopian right? Thanks, Jim originally I


Learned that from Peter Giuliani does name Giuliano or Giuliani


I had a real coffee expert on here once who dropped the science on me cheers, sir


Yeah, he dropped some coffee science on us


Shout out to black rifle coffee


Yeah, good stuff. So what's up, man? How are you? You went to the you did the full comedy store? I did on it last night figured like you know


There's a chance he's gonna be there. Let me look it up take my buddies


Yeah, we're there all the time. That's like we're saying it's like the gym, you know, that's where


That's what we train, you know, and you can see it and it's rad to see


It's fun to see that kind of training


Going on with that kind of creative art that you need other people to respond to yeah, it's a weird art like that


Yeah, you really can't do it in a vacuum


No, I mean then you're just talking to yourself have any kind of you've been a comedy shows before a few


Actually, I went to your show. Oh, that was in San Diego right from right right right at


Temecula right? Yeah, that is the Pachanga. Is that what it is? That's a good fucking casino. Yeah, it gets a bad rap


It's like people I think it's just because it comes off as silly Pachanga because the name probably it's a good spot

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