Episode Transcript: #1439 - Michael Osterholm
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All right, here we go.
So what you said when you sat down was absolutely perfect, that the timing could not have been
Tell everybody what you do, Michael.
Well, thank you.
I'm for a black, for better term, a medical detective.
I've spent my whole career tracking infectious diseases down, trying to stop them, trying
to understand where they come from so we can make sure they don't happen in the first place.
But most of all, trying to respond to situations just like this.
Just like this.
Just off the bat, how serious is this?
Is this something that we need to be terrified of, or is this overblown?
How do you stand on this?
Well, first of all, you have to understand the timing of it in the sense that it's just
And so in terms of what hurt, pain, suffering, death has happened so far is really just beginning.
This is going to unfold for months to come yet.
And that's, I think, what people don't quite yet understand.
What we saw in China, I'm convinced, as are many of my colleagues, as soon as they release
all of these social distances, these mandated stay-in-homes, having left your home in weeks