Episode Transcript: #1446 - Bert Kreischer
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And we're live cheers, sir
Yeah, why the world is on fire we might as well get a little fucked up. I've been clean I've been clean for seven days
No booze no nothing no nothing you look good your face looks good
I know it's I can start to see a direct difference when I quit drinking
Do you feel trapped by your image by your party image? I would never have said yes until this week
I've exhaled for the first time in a very big way
Like where I was like no road. I'm not I'm not doing social media. I mean, I'm doing stories and stuff
I'm not trying to put like when things shut down
I kind of shut down with America and I was like yesterday man
I sat in a hammock sober for like fucking two hours and just relaxed
It is nice to be home for a while. It is nice
You realize what a beating our lifestyle takes on your body the travel and then if you're boozing to the travel and the boozing together
So while we should tell everybody what we learned today
I'm revising my thinking about this virus because of Michael. Yo
Michael. Yo caught it Michael. Yo is healthy as fuck. He's he's not
He's not any high-risk group like he's not he doesn't have any pre-existing conditions. He's in shape and
He got it and he got pneumonia too
And he said it was a double combination and he thought he was gonna die and he was in the hospital
For over a week and four days ago. He said he thought he was gonna die
That's fucking terrifying because Michael. Yo is healthy. He's not some 80 year old man