Episode Transcript: #1457 - Tim Dillon
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One, three, two, one.
Later today, young Tim Dillon will find out whether or not
he has the antibodies.
Yes, yes.
And if I do, I'm going to Wuhan to do a fun little video
in a wet market and eat a bat.
If I have the antibodies, it's not.
It's OK.
Is it safe?
I don't know what this is.
Yeah, no one knows.
We've never been in a time where literally nobody knows.
I have a string of text messages from Alex Jones
that will change your opinion if you smoke enough weed.
And you don't smoke weed.
Will you ever weed smoke weed?
I smoked a lot of weed for a very long time.
But that's when I discovered Alex Jones when I was 13
when I was smoking weed, listening to him on the GCN network.
But when you got clean, it wasn't weed that was a problem.