Episode Transcript: #1462 - Kurt Metzger
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And we're live hey look at you smoke a blunt. I know I've this is your celebratory blunt. Holy shit, dude
I'm still a little bit
That felt like an AIDS test
But you clean I know it's but you knew you were healthy you feel good
Yeah, I haven't felt like I had something so you were worried you one of them asymptomatic people. Yeah
They said as many 60 to 70% could be asymptomatic, right?
Like I don't want to I don't have a but now I gotta drive all the way
That's why it's such a creepy disease like there was a interesting Cooper thing
I was we were talking about earlier where the mayor of Las Vegas was on with the Anderson Cooper. Oh, yeah
He was describing to her how one asymptomatic people person can go to a restaurant
And it showed this chart of all the people that infected got infected by this one
So you try to get infected just the air just the air. Yeah, so he's trying to tell this is completely theoretical
First of all, I don't know
The people that are saying this from China. I mean, I mean, maybe they touch the same things
Maybe there was a bunch of different factors. I don't know. I'm guessing it was just because of the air
But I don't trust a goddamn thing. They're saying that's coming from China. Yeah, anything they say if they're saying something
It's been approved by the government, right, you know, I mean, it's not like the paper of the epic times
There's like a paper that I think yeah epoch times. Yeah, it's like they'll be critical of China
But I think the guy that owns it is a Fallon Gong guy
So I've seen criticism