Episode Transcript: #1467 - Jack Carr
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And we're live hey, what's up? Hey, thanks for having me on my pleasure
My pleasure good to see you again. It's a you you know when we first met
I knew you were an author and I knew that Chris Pratt was involved in doing that thing with you and that you guys were
Working towards making a see which is happening now. Yeah, very exciting crazy
But I never read any of your work until now so getting ready for this
I actually listen to the audiobook which is really well done the guy who reads it. What is his name Ray Porter?
He's fucking great. Yeah, he's a little disturbing when he does a girl's voice
But no getting around that like if I got a girl voice especially putting an accent to it
There's like no getting around the creepy part of that. It's a little weird
But you you take because he's so good at like Russian accents and then
South African accents and it's a really good book man. Thank you fucking riveting like it's it's hard to put down
It's it's really good and most of it. I listen to either on
Workouts walking hikes with the dog or in the sauna
Perfect place to listen to it. I burned through it in a few days. It's really good man
Yeah, do you know like half the characters are the one people that were inspired by actual I know that was what's crazy
It's like so many people whether it was
You know what John Dudley or Barclay or you know half-faced blades like black rifle coffee
Icon four by four there's like so many different things sitka. Yeah, so many different things that I strange not for me
To it's for me not to talk about gear just because I was a gear guy before I went the Navy and then of course in the seal
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