Episode Transcript: #1469 - Adam Perry Lang
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What's happening brother, how are you?
Good to be here.
Good to have you.
I have enjoyed your restaurant many times.
This is my favorite steak restaurant in all of Los Angeles.
Thank you.
And it's one of the reasons why I wanted to bring you in here
because this is a really crazy time for restaurants.
And I mean, that's basically, that's the gist of it.
This is a crazy time.
It's bananas, it's absolutely crazy.
Trying to just get a handle on it.
It's just overwhelming.
So for me, it's just head down and cook,
try to help people that are in need
and then we'll figure it out later.
Well, I know you've been doing a lot of cooking
for first responders and for hospitals.
And like, what have you been doing with your time