Episode Transcript: #1471 - Tony Hinchcliffe
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Three, two, one.
Tony, motherfucking hinge, Gleef.
Good to see you, buddy.
Good to see you.
Every time comics come here,
that I usually spend multiple nights a week with,
like, so nice to be semi-normal again.
Yes, for fucking sure.
The restrictions are supposed to be lifting up here
in Los Angeles on Friday,
which means nothing for us, for comedians.
I mean, something for, like, some retail,
some other stuff, but they're doing it nice and slow.
And did you see the list of shit
that the governor's office put out
of stuff you're allowed to do?
You should pull that up, Jamie,
because it is, it's quite hilarious.
First of all, it's kind of condescending.