Episode Transcript: #1474 - Dr. Rhonda Patrick
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What were we saying?
You suck.
No, it's not that embarrassing.
You just, you get, go ahead.
Like sometimes when I get nervous, my eye will start watering.
Like, I don't think that's odd.
I think that's probably pretty normal.
I mean, your system's fired up and, you know, your eyes are probably trying to clear themselves.
Maybe, you know, I mean, I'm just speculating.
Maybe people will message me after this podcast and be like, that happens to me too and I'll
feel better.
I'm sure.
It doesn't sound that odd.
That's certainly not embarrassing.
So I don't know why I'm embarrassed by eyes watering if you're nervous.
Thanks for being here.
I really appreciate it.
I am super, always happy to come.