Episode Transcript: #1482 - Jordan Jonas
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All right, we're rolling. Thanks for doing this appreciate it. Yeah, it's an honor to be here
Hey, my pleasure honor to talk to you. I really in first of all, I really enjoyed you on kafaro cast
So shout out to my friend Aaron Snyder. He says hey
Back to him. I listened to you on the show and I was like goddamn. What an interesting guy
I don't know what a fucking crazy life you've had
We should so you were on that show alone, right? Right and
Explain that showed for people don't know what the fuck it is. Yeah, so it's a it's a show
Where they get
10 people you each for those people get to pick out 10
Basic items, you know like an axe and a bow and a saw and you know 10 items just 10 items
Right does that include arrows like you can only yeah, you know your bow comes with nine arrows
So you get a bow and arrows. Yeah, I guess is an item. That's a loosely 10 items and then you
They basically take 10 people
Fly them out into the middle of nowhere and drop them each off by themselves
You got all the video camera equipment and it's just self-filming and it's basically the last one to give up wins
So wow and how do you how do you know if anyone's given up before you don't you just they're out there?
You could be out like previously the show has been up. It's up to a year, you know, so there's a year. Yeah
So you just go out there and do your best and what if you are still out there, but everybody else has quit and you don't know
That's when they come and tell you that you won