Episode Transcript: #1487 - Janet Zuccarini & Evan Funke
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and we're rolling Janet Evan what's up Joe how are you guys good to see you good
to see you strange times the weirdest times ever yes but Felix is still intact
the restaurants there we were talking about restaurants that have been just
destroyed over the rioting and the looting and the chaos and you guys you
got lucky dodged a bullet we did very happy to hear that well I think Abba
Kenny got a bit of warning and all of Abba Kenny boarded up and so we boarded
up and the National Guard is still there today what the fuck it does it doesn't
make any sense like if you told me that something happened in LA and people were
rioting I'd be like well if it happened in LA kind of make sense people are
upset and then you said but they're smashing businesses and destroying
restaurants and destroying small stores and family-owned business I'd be like
well wait why why are they doing that if there's no rhyme or reason to this doesn't
make any sense well I understand yeah why people are pissed
how's my level yeah it's uh I mean it is what it is there's nothing we can do
about it now right well but I also think there's been you know thousands and
thousands of peaceful protesters out there so and the press is really not
focusing on all the peaceful protests which is our right to protest and there's
gonna be you know a bad apple everywhere and then you're gonna get you know
hundreds of people that and I think you were you were saying you know on your
last podcast it's a bunch of young people that don't know where yeah where's