Episode Transcript: #1495 - Kyle Dunnigan
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Smoking marijuana this is dangerous. Is it gonna go crazy you think yes, don't you watch those movies?
I forgot about that. Yeah pot drugs will make you crazy. They'll make you nuts
Are you talking about those old videos the old-timey black and white where they live for madness? Yeah? Yeah
Do you know where those are?
Well, those were funded by who William Randolph Hearst was that right? Yeah that piece of shit
He was a piece of shit, right? His butt. Yeah, and his daughter brought a gun into a bank
Maybe she wanted to protect her money. She's rich as fuck. So I think she's robbing the place
Do I have the wrong person Patty Hearst Patty Hearst? That's right. Yeah, must be related right?
What is she the granddaughter? I think she's the granddaughter because she's too young to be the daughter
I like the way of no information. We have none. Let's go with it, but let's broadcast it to millions
Write this down kids. Get a better. Yeah, well Patty Hearst. Yeah, that's right. Well
William Randolph Hearst is also the reason why there's wild pigs in California
How's why is that because that asshole brought them to his ranch? He wanted to have a menagerie
I think that's the correct term menagerie of animals. He's a nutty person. You could visit Hearst Castle
It's this crazy place. Yeah. Yeah, I want to go there
It's so northern California has kind of an infestation of wild pigs
And it's because directly because of William Randolph Hearst really the pigs that left his compound
Just started fucking and running through the woods like there it is. That's the that's the place