Episode Transcript: #1498 - Jon Stewart
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And hi John Stewart. Hi Joe, what's going on behind you? What is all that jazz? Oh
It's all my when my kids were younger. This is their plan in the attic. Oh
When they were younger came up here with their cousins and doodle and
And I got kicked up here. It's my office now
And I'm here with the bunny and the guinea pig in the rat. Hey man, I miss you
I miss you on TV right now. I really do. This is a perfect time for you
It's it's kind of crazy that you're not hosting that show anymore
But there's so many people doing that
You know, I was I really did burn out like I I felt like it's just redundant
You know, the nice thing for what you do is
You get to curate and kind of be more active and to follow your own rhythm for it
I was really tied to that rhythm of
The 24 hour news cycle right and how fucking redundant it is and how cyclical and at a certain point
I was like, I don't know what else to do with this and so I didn't want to stay just because I could I
Just done it long enough. And so I thought well, let me just it was just time
I thought like the audience needed a fresh perspective. I needed a fresh perspective like I just I just felt
Done like I was more I was more mad about shit than
Inspired, you know, I appreciate that you decided to go out at the literally at the very top, but it seems like
Especially right now like John Oliver is killing it and Trevor Noah is doing your show and it's like this is this is that