Episode Transcript: #1504 - Alan Levinovitz
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Hello, Alan.
Hello, Joe.
Good to see you.
First of all, thank you for this, this piece of pyrite that's embedded into stone.
And we just started talking.
I said, just don't say another word.
Let's start talking about this on the podcast.
Because it's interesting.
I started your book, which I very rarely read books.
I mostly do audio books, but I was forced to read yours.
And one of the things that I found interesting is the concept of what is natural.
And I've gone over this many times myself.
I'm like, poison's natural.
Everything's natural.
Computers are natural, really, because they come from the ground.
They're made by people.
They're essentially a human's version of anything like a bird would create.
Birds create birds' nests.
Are those natural?
But this pyrite, this is pyrite, which is fool's gold.