Episode Transcript: #1516 - Post Malone
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Give you my dog
That's my everybody's too high song
When it's like
What's up
Huh, this is your shit. Yeah, come on. All right. Cheers. Cheers, sir. Why not pleasure?
Also precursor I haven't slept. I know we haven't slept wrong mushrooms
Let's roll
Yeah, fuck it. We'll do it live
Why Utah man, why you live in Utah, what's that about I?
Have no idea. Have you been are you from there? No, sir. I was born in
It is absolutely something really love it. It's got a good vibe too because
It's this it's almost like Utah is a secret because everybody's scared of the Mormons
So they don't go there right but then you get to you like Jesus Christ
It's beautiful and these Mormons are so nice everybody's so nice
everybody's so nice in Utah and
You know I did so I don't remember what tour it was exactly, but they were supposed to be five thousand people to show up
And then we end up getting to the show and there's seventeen thousand people so we had to move it
Outside of the venue right on the salt flats. Oh wow, and I was just like if this isn't a sign from
God or
You know the aliens then I don't know what is so I looked at houses on Zillow and I found one and fix it all up and