Episode Transcript: #1517 - Nancy Panza
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Hello Nancy. Hi Joe. How are you? I am doing well. Thanks for being here. Thank
you for having me. Thanks for letting me come and talk. My pleasure. So tell
everybody what you do. So I am, well my day job, I'm a professor in the Psychology
Department at Cal State Fullerton and in my side gig I am a forensic and police
psychologist. That is a very appropriate subject for the strange times we find
ourselves in right now. Indeed. So as you are watching all this play out from the
George Floyd murder to where we're at right now, what has this been like
for you since this is your field of study? It's a weird place to be in, you're
kind of, for me, caught in between two worlds it seems. I mean my job is to take
care of police officers so keep them healthy, keep them well to make sure
that they can do a good job doing their jobs. And so the first thing I see is
we got a mess on our hands. For me when I see a lot of the videos that end up, you
know, on TV my initial reaction is well let's have a look is there something
really to be upset about here and well obviously in seeing the video of George
Floyd's murder there's a whole lot to be upset about here and so you know
Hardik comes from that and then my you know my next response is to kick in is
okay we've got problems on both sides. We need to not only figure out why such
things are happening and prevent them because that's not good. Nobody wants
bad policing even the police don't want bad policing. On the other hand how do
we also take care of our officers who are out there who now have to go out and